Quit Smoking 1:1 with Michelle
Call me on 0487748302 to find out how to quit smoking.
Hypnotherapy Online or in person in Roma, QLD.
You are in the right place to achieve a smoke free life. Jump online now and have a session over the internet where ever you are. Perhaps you prefer in person, check the calendar by clicking the button below
Here at On Target Hypnotherapy, Michelle has helped hundreds of clients to stop smoking and is ready to help you too. You may be wondering....
- Is hypnotherapy safe
- How long does it take
- How many sessions are needed
- Does it last
- How much does it cost
Press play to find out from Michelle, your practitioner.
Quit right now with this online self paced, self help No BS system. If you still want to see me in person I will credit your purchase cost towards a 1 on 1 session. Nothing to lose, so much to gain!
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Initial Session with Michelle - up to 90 minutes online
In person or online
Many clients get what they are seeking from one session, however accountability and follow-up sessions are recommended.
Quit smoking, stay sober, lift depression, relieve anxiety, enjoy healthy food, remove phobias or irrational fears
Optimal performance at exams or competitions, pain control, recovery or calm birthing.
1:1 Help. Second or subsequent session
Ongoing assistance. Please select 1:1 Help, Call Michelle or book online now
If you have not seen me before.
Initial session with Michelle in person
Hypnotherapy in person
End addictions, phobias, bad habits
Install good habits
Ease anxiety, stress or depression
On target towards optimal health
3 Session Package
Attend 3 sessions within 2 months
A package is the surest way to achieve your desired outcome
Kick addiction, create healthy habits as we set goals to create a work/life balance that allows you to see your way to clear to create a great future with purpose and passion.
Release ties to your old story, unhelpful habits or emotional hijack.
Clear any phobias.
Bounce ideas around that let you thrive as we create a shift that seems unreachable through willpower alone.