Step 1 Worksheet - Reality Check
Be honest with yourself and dive deep. Take your time. Your life depends on it.
Now check which applies to you below.
What is your biggest motivator to stop smoking?
When did you last feel really awesome, joyful or simply cruising with life? What was going on at the time?
Check all the things below that are important to you
Enter what really makes you happy and at peace
Now look at each value you ticked above. Does smoking assist any of the things you care about? For example
Children. I am setting a bad example, I get less time with them when I smoke, they avoid me because I stink
Money. Last year I spent around $100 per week, that is $5200 I could have spent on.....
Health. Coughing in the morning. I do feel aggravated when I stop smoking though... more anxiety and stress..
Fishing. I could have some awesome gear.
Begin with the most important value and enter how you really feel below.
For many smokers they mindlessly smoke when a certain event triggers a reaction. Often this is not even conscious, simply an automatic response to an event.
A few examples you might identify with.
List your triggers below
You were born with the senses to identify poisons. The critical senses around poisons involve taste and smell, although texture plays a part as well. There are some things you would not eat even if you were offered huge rewards.
Below are some suggestions of things most people avoid eating.
Lets put smoking in the poison category with all the poisons you readily avoid
Then in step 3 we adjust taste and desire accordingly
Enter anything else you want to clarify.
Start saving money right away. You may also be surprised how much extra time you have. Clean up any smoking things for example ashtrays and lighters. Clean your car if you used to smoke in the car.
Three Months
You have nailed it! So pleased you did this now. You find people are easier to be around. Smell and taste returned. Breathing easy and feeling fitter.
One Year
You don't even think about smoking. Life is awesome and you have saved so much money you treat yourself to something special
Think into each time period and connect wholeheartedly with the benefits. Enter your thought below.
Enter your email address so we can save your answers for you: